OK, now on to the winners!
Wait, one more thing, I have been completely overwhelmed (in a good way) by your responses. Thanks so much for your kind words and enthusiasm. I can't wait to see what all of your creative minds will do with this pattern!
OK, now on to the winners!
Oh oops, one more thing, remember how I said that today everyone who left a comment would receive a special little thank you gift? Well just in case the two names I choose don't happen to be yours, don't despair...I'm going to let you know what your thank you gift is in just a second!
OK now REALLY, on to the winners!
Thanks to Random.org:
The winner of the Pod Swaddler PDF Pattern/Tutorial is:
Andi of Bacon Pecan Pie!!!
She was selected from the friends/followers section.
She said: "I'd make it for a friend's baby. Thanks for the chance!"
She was selected from the friends/followers section.
She said: "I'd make it for a friend's baby. Thanks for the chance!"
And for The Pod Swaddler made by Me:
Dallas Ann from Prentice Family!!!
She was selected from the comments section.
She said: "I'm due on the 15th of this month and this would be perfect!"
Let's give these lucky ladies a
"Hip, Hip...HOORAY!"
"Hip, Hip...HOORAY!"
Congrats you two! I'm so happy for you!
Please email me: whiletheysleepblog@gmail.com to claim
your prize and give me your digits.
Please email me: whiletheysleepblog@gmail.com to claim
your prize and give me your digits.
Now for the rest of you.
I think you would agree with Maisy :
I think you would agree with Maisy :
So here is what I am giving you as a big THANKS...
If you like the Pod so much that you'd like to hop over to my shop and purchase the pattern, I will give you any one of the other patterns available in my shop....are you ready?
That's right folks, buy one Pod pattern and get any other pattern of your choice, FREE!
This is what you need to do:
- First go to my shop and decide which of the other patterns you'd like.
- Next click on The Pod Swaddler Pattern and click "add to cart". Then do what Etsy prompts you to do.
- When it gives you the option to write a "Note to seller", that's where you type "Pod Friend". After that type which pattern you'd like me to send along free of charge with your Pod pattern.
That simple!
This offer is only good through Monday the 10th so don't delay!
Thanks again for all of the kind words of support and I look forward to getting to know you!
Speaking of getting to know you, I hope you'll come back soon for a visit, there are a few tutorials to look forward to:
Have a great weekend and THANKS AGAIN!